Because it was midnight in my world, I went to sleep. The second time I looked out of the window, he was gone. But he seemed more harmful than Giant Alex. His skin did not appear on the Google image search results. He had hollow eye-sockets and half of his left eye was missing, blood covered his mangled skin. I peered through the window and saw Giant Steve lurking in the distance. But if there was a pre built statue in this world, how can it change the time or interact with commands? I asked myself. The only results I saw was a statue of the Steve skin in Minecraft. On the chat, it said "Giant Steve set the time to midnight". When I arrived at my house, It was already night time. When I picked up the zombie flesh, it was renamed to "HUMAN FLESH" I got scared and ran home. There was redstone on the ground and zombie flesh everywhere although my gamemode was on peaceful. Strangely, there were no sources that could have caused the fire. I saw the village was destroyed and on fire. I didn't know there was screaming in Minecraft. Not in my real life house but from my computer. As I finished crafting them, I heard a loud scream. I then went home to craft them into tools and armour. As it started raining, I traveled back to my house to go to my mineshaft.

I found a village which was already looted. I later made tools and got glass for my windows. I started collecting wood and making space to build my house. The new Minecraft world had loaded up and I spawned in the middle of a acacia biome surrounded by oak and swamp biomes. I created a new survival world and I had typed in a random seed. I just got home from school and loaded the Minecraft program. The First Sighting, November 19 - 20 2021 1 The First Sighting, November 19 - 20 2021.